Best institute to Learn Everything

Welcome to IMSC


About Us

Assalamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you)

On behalf of the entire Iqra family, we extend a warm welcome to our website! Whether you’re a prospective student, a curious parent, or a valued member of our community, we’re delighted you’ve chosen to explore what Iqra has to offer.

At Iqra, we believe education is more than just acquiring knowledge; it’s a transformative journey that ignites a passion for lifelong learning, cultivates strong moral character, and empowers students to become responsible global citizens.

Upcoming Events

Apply for Fall 2024

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Apply for Scholarship

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Our Facilities

Global Certificate

At Iqra Model School and College System, we understand the importance of preparing students for success in a globalized world. That's why we offer globally recognized certification programs to enhance students' academic credentials and broaden their opportunities for higher education and career advancement. Our global certificate programs equip students with the skills, knowledge, and international perspectives needed to thrive in an increasingly interconnected society.

Alumni Support

Our commitment to our students extends far beyond graduation. At Iqra Model School and College System, we provide comprehensive alumni support services to help our graduates transition smoothly into the next phase of their lives. From career guidance and networking opportunities to ongoing mentorship and professional development resources, we empower our alumni to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

Books & Library

A love for learning begins with access to quality resources. Our school library is a treasure trove of knowledge, stocked with a diverse collection of books, journals, and digital resources to support students' academic pursuits and foster a lifelong passion for reading. From classic literature to cutting-edge research materials, our library offers something for every interest and curiosity. Our dedicated librarians are on hand to assist students in finding the perfect resources to support their learning journey.

Meet our Teachers



At Iqra Model School and College System, our team of dedicated educators is the heart of our educational community. With a passion for teaching and a commitment to student success, our teachers bring expertise, creativity, and compassion to the classroom every day.

Get to know the inspiring individuals who make learning come alive at our school:

From experienced mentors to innovative instructors, our teachers are dedicated to nurturing the academic, social, and emotional growth of every student. Together, they create a supportive learning environment where curiosity is encouraged, talents are nurtured, and potential is realized.

Join us in celebrating the remarkable educators who inspire greatness in our students at Iqra Model School and College System.

What Students Say

